Videos about the sites of IM Perushtitsa

Videos about the sites of IM Perushtitsa, provided by Mrs. Veronika Posh.

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Will you find them?

The finds we show in these photos are not in the museum. If you take the time for a light walk around Perushtitsa, you will not only find them, but by taking pictures of them, your PERUSHTEN LIGHT PICTURES can turn out to be much more ingenious and beautiful than the ones here. Then we will place them in this place and sign you as masters.

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Online competition 2021 "145 years since the April Uprising - the rebels of Perushtitsa"

The final third stage of the Online Competition 2021 for children under 8 on the topic "145 years since the April Uprising - The Rebels of Perushtitsa" ended on May 25.

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