Whose resurrection overlaps Lazarus day?
A strange custom on Lazarus Day seems to have been forgotten, in which girls and boys gathered at the home of the best and most beautiful bachelor to "make" him a corpse. As they decorated his coffin with cuckoo, his comrades carried it through the village, and the girls mourned it. So they took him to the spring below the village and there they sprinkled him with water. Then he "came to life" and all the merry ones returned to dance in the square in the middle of their village...
Прочети още...A millennial rite follows a wolf mystery
The famous Constantinople theologian from the end of the 11th and the beginning of the 12th century Evtimiy Zigavin describes the curious story of the perfect Bogomil Peter, "a worthy successor of Basil the Physician", who in southern France ordained bishops among the followers of the Bulgarian Bogomils when fanatical Roma stones and he promised his disciples to be resurrected in three days. Although the Roman author is famous for his anti-heretical writings, it is in the most famous of them - commissioned by the Byzantine Emperor Alexius I Comnenus "Dogmatic Weapons"(Πανοπλία δογματική), who probably invited him to keep (secretly?) Notes from his meeting with the legendary Bogomil leader Vasily Vrach, - ends this story with: "they really waited at his grave to be resurrected" and "Peter really appeared to his disciples after his death, but ... under the image of a wolf he jumped out of the stones. After quoting him, Raycho Karolev himself (the first Bulgarian researcher of Bogomilism) in 1871-1873 pointed out that "we can guess about the nationality of this heresy leader and his students."
Прочети още...The telescopic effect of linearly located sanctuaries
Despite the astonishing data in the excavations of the sanctuary-temple complex from the Fourth Millennium BC near the present-day Plovdiv village of Dolnoslav, located in its unconditionally established optical connection with the rock cult site Belintash, professional scientists did not dare to study what considerations led the ancient devotees to build in the field opposite a megalithic sanctuary on a mountain ridge.
Прочети още...The fateful role of rock sanctuaries
According to the Bogomil cosmogony, after Satan, who rebelled against his Father, was expelled from Heaven, he created and conquered the Earth with the rebellious former angels, so he decided to cultivate a secessionist kingdom with his adored and serving civilization. However, when he made the man and the woman, he failed to revive them and asked God for help. The Almighty sent two angels to breathe life into them, but the Ripper brought them into the breathless human bodies.
Прочети още...The votive day of the apostle Jude
In April 2006, a team of scholars presented to the world the newly discovered ancient text of the Gospel of Judas, which begins with the words: Easter. As a member of the team that analyzed and translated the code, Marvin Meyer not only confirmed its authenticity, but said with conviction: “He does nothing that Jesus did not ask him to do, he listens to it and remains faithful to it. In Scripture, Judas Iscariot is Jesus' beloved disciple and dear friend.
Прочети още...Why one day has become Ignazhden
Instead of wasting Boyle time each winter discussing which days to celebrate and when to work, our wise ancestors once seemed to have resolved the issue by simply excluding dates from December 21st to 24th in their famous ancient calendar. Leaving this time to complete the promised deeds, one has to take stock of what he has achieved during the year and whether this is exactly what he needed… In short: the people had to prepare for the coming New Year, because it fatally occurred with a cosmic miracle over a an extremely exciting human-divine mystery.
Прочети още...The bell - the dangerous secret of the last supper
"There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed" is one of the Savior's covenants delivered through the Gospel of Matthew. As well as the command of Jesus: - What I speak to you in darkness, say it in light; and what you hear in the ear, proclaim it from the housetops.
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