National scientific conference on the topic: The April Uprising - known and unknown facts

от: 2021-05-12 12:00    до: 2021-05-13 12:00

Perushtitsa Historical Museum invites you to join a National Scientific Conference on:

The April Uprising - known and unknown facts / new interpretations and discoveries /

Perushtitsa, November 12 and 13, 2021

Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselina Vachkova

Bulgarian freedom until the middle of the XX century repeatedly depended in the first place on the ability of our people to fight for it by all means - diplomatic, journalistic, military… The purpose of this conference is to present unknown or hitherto underestimated events personalities, facts, journalistic, literary and artistic works, documents and objects that are related to the April Uprising and shed new light on its course and essence.

Important deadlines:

1. Applications for participation in the attached registration form and summary / in Bulgarian and English, up to 1000 characters / - until June 15, 2020.

2. Sending of the finished materials - by October 10, 2020.

Technical requirements for the reports: - Format: MS Word 98 (PS) or later - Font: Times New Roman 12 pt. - Spacing: 1.5 lines - Text: Justified - Referances: At the end of the main text (Endnote), Text - 10 pt., Number format: 1,2,3, ( - Images to be in TIF Format, resolution 300 - Total volume: up to 15 pages with images

The authors are responsible for the content and spelling of the reports.

In case you envisage a multimedia presentation when presenting them, please announce in advance the need for technical means.

Email address for sending registration forms, reports and applications:

The costs during the conference in Perushtitsa are borne by the participants themselves. On November 12 / Friday / dinner and overnight are provided by the organizers.

In connection with the created emergency situation for protection against the spread of COVID-19 IM Perushtitsa is ready to hold the conference online.